Friday, June 14, 2013

Vegan Food Pyramid

This food pyramid is pretty cool since it pertains to our diet.  I have found so many wonderful whole grains to eat since becoming a vegan.  I truly believe that we can continue to have a healthy lifestyle by cutting out the meats and dairy as long as you pay attention to your protein intake (Yes, we eat enough, guys), your iron intake and your omegas.  Lisa and I take a multivitamin specific for those who have a plant-based diet and we have brown rice protein in our cabinet if we ever want to have a smoothie and want that boost of protein for the day.

It was also helpful for me to peruse a book called The Ultimate Vegan Guide: Compassionate Living Without Sacrifice by Erik Marcus.  When asked the difference between Vegetarian and Vegan I take from my background in the Pathology department: Vegetarians worry about the macro ingredients, that is, the big things they can see; Vegans include the micro ingredients that not many people think twice about.

I have had coworkers and friends ask me what we look for in the ingredients and stay away from so I thought it might be helpful to post it for those who may be interested:

*Some soft breads (Naan, brioche, challa, pastries, etc are no good)
*Some vegans stay away from honey (Lisa and I are not this strict)
*Some white sugars are made from bone char

*Casein (We recently found one of our beloved Almond Cheeses actually contained this.  Total bummer.)
*Lard (Living in Arizona, it became important for us to find Mexican restaurants who don't cook their refried beans in this!)

I think for all of us it is important not to focus on the things we can't eat and instead train our minds and bodies to think of all the wondeful new foods we can be exposed to.  Growing up in the South I always heard about the "meat and potatoes" diet and when I was a meat-eater my go-to food was chicken nuggets/tenders.  Healthy, right?  I have to say, the variety I get to enjoy now is wonderful. We are trying to go to different ethnic markets and see the choices they have for us now.  On our next Asian week I am excited to use my new rice cooker and sushi set (we'll have a date night where we cook together) and when we do Mediterrean week I will learn how to make Dolmades since Lisa absolutely loves them.


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