Tuesday, July 16, 2013

LISA'S TOP 5- animal videos that will always be HILARIOUS

We all love a hilarious cats being cats, or dogs being dogs video!
This made it harder to pick just five videos out of  thousands upon thousands just posted on YOUTUBE. 

I was able narrow it down to these five, but only after I had wasted a good two hours watching video after damn pointless cute video..
These are the videos that I would  watch if i needed of a good laugh.

 5. How does this even happen???
4. This has to be the cutest and funniest dog shame video out there!
3. A classic
2. There is something about cats walking on just their hind legs that I find awesomely funny and equally creepy.
    1. I could watch this video over and over again and never get tired of it.. He is just to damn happy!!!
Share some of your favorite pet videos with us!!